I like making portraits of people within the environment they live in; it exposes their personal traits, history, and heritage. As I watch the process of the world and man complementing each other, I am always confronted with the miraculous realization that we are more than what we appear.
I use the effects of amateur cameras, the way a regular passer by would, as well as the 360 cameras and 3D, to capture the moment as it is and achieve greater realism, and only then distort it by adding the image of the sky. I create that special effect when the usual picture begins to disintegrate, and let in the other layer. It is as if the matrix started breaking off, revealing the real world of the endless infinite and the sky.
My work is addressed to those who, for some reason, have ceased to see the eternal behind the everyday. The infinite is inside all of us. The sky.
I believe that everyone in this world has their own unique purpose and limitless potentials, and I want to remind the viewer of the infinite that is inside them. The eternal sky.
@sofia_zgordan | ratiolumis@gmail.com